Tuesday, November 5, 2013

National Sundae Day

Next Monday is Veterans Day. November 11th a time to honor the men and women who are and have served in our armed forces.  But also on that date it’s National Sundae Day. Did you know you that Two Rivers, Wisconsin is one of three cities claiming to be the birthplace of the ice cream sundae? In 1881, Ed Berners of Two Rivers was asked to serve George Hallauer a dish of ice cream topped with the syrup used for sodas. Berner liked the dish and added it to his regular menu, charging a nickel. But a competing soda fountain owner from nearby Manitowoc felt he had to serve the same syrupy concoction as Ed. He felt the nickel price was too cheap and decided to only serve the dish on Sundays, which soon became the name of the dish- The Ice Cream Sunday.  Try our book “The Month of Sundaes” by Michael Turback, which is a historical book about ice cream, with sundae lore and recipes generously spread throughout.

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