Monday, April 1, 2013

45 yrs ago- April 4

Forty-five years ago on April 4th, The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was shot in Memphis, Tennessee. 1968 was a year of turbulence and pivotal moments that still affect the American landscape today. There was the fury and violence of the Democratic Convention in Chicago as it propelled us toward a tipping point in politics; Robert Kennedy was assassinated in June 1968. This time period was tragic and galvanizing, truly as revolutionary as it felt.  Oral history readers might enjoy “The 1960s: a Decade of Change” by the students of D.C. Everett High School in Western Wisconsin. Tom Brokaw authored “Boom: Voices of the Sixties”, which profiles the time when Ike was in the White House until Man was on the moon. His book is based on the History Channel’s show “1968”. Both items are available here at the library.

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