Fifty years ago, one hundred twenty soldiers of Troop B, 2nd reconnaissance Squadron, 105th Armor, most from the Reedsburg area, left for Fort Lewis, Washington on active duty. During this time the Cold War between the United States and Soviet Unions and the Berlin Crisis was heated up. The call-up disrupted the lives of the many area families, as fathers and sons once again bid goodbye to their loved ones and headed off to an uncertain future. Life Magazine, in its November 3, 1961 issue, profiled Reedsburg as Troop B packed up and prepared to leave. A farewell parade down Main Street brought out the community with a banner across Main Street that read, “Reedsburg is Proud of You Troop B 2/105 Armor”.
We have a copy of that Life Magazine issue in our local history collection for viewing. The Thursday, October 26, 1961 Times Press issue also reported about the parade spectators. “The older faces recalled memories of what happened after past departures while younger faces displayed looks of innocence and bewilderment. Also said “But there is nothing innocent about war. We can only hope that another conflict does not begin and that these men will Hurry Back to Reedsburg”. As the next 12 months passed, hostilities in Europe cooled and the troops returned home.
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