Monday, June 20, 2011

Battle of Little Big Horn

On June 25, 1876 (135 years ago) Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer, leading military forces of more than 200 men, attacked an encampment of Sioux Indians led by Chiefs Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse near Little Bighorn River, Montana. Custer and his force lost their lives in about two hours in the Battle of the Little High Horn. Learn more from acclaimed historian Dee Brown in the book “Showdown at Little Big Horn”, including events through the eyes and ears of the participants. “They Died With Custer” by Douglas Scott is about the archaeological reclamation of the battlefield site of the Little Big Horn. You can follow Gen. Custer expedition of the west in Paul Horsted’s “Exploring with Custer: 1874 Black Hills Expedition” and “Crossing the Plains with Custer”. Both books are filled with beautiful landscape photographs then and now with GPS coordinates to visit varied landscapes. Check them out at the library.

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