Monday, May 9, 2011

LINKcat tips

If you visited the library in person or online recently, you probably noticed that we made our transition to new software. We’ve appreciated your patience as we learn the new system and work out bugs. Please ask if you have questions-we’re happy to help!

Why do I have fines for things I haven’t returned?: In our old system, fines were not assessed until an item was returned or renewed. However, our new system assesses fines as soon as they are overdue. The rules for calculating fines has not changed so you will not end up paying anymore or less than before.

Tips for Narrowing DVD Searches: add “DVD” after the title, use advanced search and choose DVDs from the format drop-down menu, enter a publication date range in advanced search.

More Did You Know about New LINKcat?:
1. You can keep a history of materials you check out,
2. When you’re in your account, any column header with the double arrows mean you can sort the table by that column,
3. If you make a spelling error, LINKcat will suggest other spellings,
4. If you add items to your cart, you can place them all on hold at once when you’re done searching,
5. New LINKcat allows access to the catalog 24/7,
6. Online tutorials are available through the help link in LINKcat.

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